SOA are activated charcoal (AC), which can take from 6 hours, to DAYS to fully saturate to max dye uptake. Also, ultimate uptake of dyes can be quickly reached resulting in frequent sorbent changes in industrial processes.
By tuning the porosity and structure of the HPCs as well as the surface chemistry, AIMM has developed an HPC sorbent that is specifically tuned to removing dyes. AIMM’s porous carbon HPCs remove more dyes per weight of sorbent, lessening downtimes for sorbent changes and remove the dyes over twenty times faster. One customer has estimated this will double their overall process time!
Against high performance powdered AC, AIMM’s HPCs remove more dye per weight of sorbent. ACs with high surface areas (roughly 1000 m2/g, via BET) were used for comparison. The HPCs are tuned for porous structure and surface chemistry to do this.
Due to HPC’s hierarchical porosity (bigger pores going into smaller pores, going into smaller pores), the dyes have fast access to HPC’s high surface area sites. A powdered form of AC was used that has much faster uptake than granular activated charcoal (GAC) to compare AIMM’s HPCs to the best AC.
Yes! HPCs bring “whiz-bang” science into their materials at the nano scale, that appear just like a powdered porous charcoal in our scale, like AC. Thus, HPCs can use the same 100 years of AC engineering—whiz-bang science without the whiz-bang weirdo material fit problems!
Laboratory data and demonstrations showing the superior performance of AIMM’s HPC sorbents for dye removal. Please reach out for any questions you may have!
in-lab photography done by Carrsco
AIMM is obsessed with bringing clean water to the masses through our technology. Please contact us if you wish to learn more or think there is overlap with your organization.