aka “Forever Chemicals”

PROBLEM: PFAS or “Forever Chemicals”

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group (10K+) of synthetic chemicals that have been used in consumer products around the world since about the 1950s. They are ingredients in various everyday products. For example, PFAS are used to keep food from sticking to packaging or cookware, make clothes and carpets resistant to stains, and create firefighting foam that is more effective. These chemicals do not degrade easily in the environment. (NIH)

Oftentimes these PFAS chemicals make their way down to our water table. Many of these PFAS are harmful to human health, with the EPA setting some maximum limits down to FIVE PARTS PER TRILLION—barely above the limits of scientific detection! Furthermore, many of these PFAS, such as short chain PFAS are also extremely difficult to remove from water with current technologies.

SOLUTION: HPCs — Sorbents Tuned to Remove PFAS

AIMM has been fine-tuning its HPC materials towards removing dangerous PFAS chemicals from our water, with help from an NIH funded grant. AIMM has been tuning the porosity and surface chemistry via its proprietary processes to ensure that its HPC sorbents can target traditional PFAS as well as the newer hard-to-remove short chain PFAS. This is along with maximizing ultimate PFAS uptake and speed of uptake, as with many of our applications!

How prevalent are PFAS? Can they affect me?

Yes! The CDC recently reported that PFAS have been found in the blood of 97% of Americans.

Where do you find PFAS? Which products?

PFAS is so widely used in so many products and applications that it may seem easier to list where they are not used! Most are aware of non-stick cookware, but PFAS is also found in personal care products (makeup, etc.). fire fighting foams, stain resistant carpets, electronics, water wicking/stain resistant fabrics, raincoats, fast food containers, microwave popcorn bags, etc. There has been a push to minimize their use, but they have been used for decades.

If we stop using PFAS, will they eventually break down and go away?

This is one of the problems with PFAS and why they are called forever chemicals. They don’t easily break down at all. This is partially why they were so useful in products. PFAS is a big problem that won’t have “one magic bullet” of a solution. Minimizing PFAS will require folks that can safely break down the current levels of PFAS, new technologies that replace its use and (where AIMM comes in!) new technologies that can remove a broad range of PFAS.

Our Research

AIMM’s HPC sorbents for PFAS removal. Please reach out for any questions you may have!

in-lab photography done by Carrsco

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AIMM is obsessed with bringing clean water to the masses through our technology. Please contact us if you wish to learn more or think there is overlap with your organization.